One thing have I desired oftheLORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in thehouseoftheLORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty oftheLORD, and to enquire in his temple
Do you have a prayer request for yourself or someone else? Click HERE.
Do you have a request for information to be added to the church bulletin? You may either call Debbie Martin at 783-9277 or click HERE to email your request.
Latest Church Information:
Radio Ministry
Good news! We now have more ways for you to hear the sermons. Tune into WZAP 690 AM, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:15 am for the Armour of Light Broadcast. We now have a YouTube channel where you can watch videos of the service too. Simply subscribe to the Grosses Creek Baptist Church channel. We hope to add new videos each week.